Sunday, March 16, 2014

Zeno's Paradox or Close to Closing?

Greetings – it is getting close – the prevalent breeze is details...details... Then what will be the personal punctuation? Is this how a semi-colon feels? Let's not talk about colons or winters.

Paper work is not working at the moment and it is being determined in a meticulous fashion that we:
  • have not run a mortgage-bundling operation during the notorious 1990's;
  • create an environmental hazard in the next ten or twenty years in the back yard;
  • give the two acres we own next door it's own name
  • and procure a defensive secondary wizard in exchange for Kevin(12 years a tenant)

Oh yeah, the details. Eventually the house was listed at a price that generated interest very quickly. If all goes as scheduled, on March 28 the barn will belong to an artist from Vermont (who we have yet to meet) and right of first refusal on the two acres next to it.

Exit from Miami Beach is this coming Tuesday. Carol Dunn and Ken Chorney are coming to the rescue (among others) to bring us home. A concerted effort will be made to clear out the place, cross those t's and dot those i's. Crossing eyes and dotting tees will hopefully be avoided.

Track practice starting on the 24th means possible mixed feelings for this surprise return. Both of us dread the weather but we will have a lot of company. So now I guess we're a little closer...