The Baroness and the Baron after seven weeks of retroment.
Well it’s Fat Tuesday and you better be ready to party. Now granted the expensive floats are in New Orleans but Lafayette says ‘Hey cher’ to Lent as well as anybody. There are three parades from 10AM to late in the afternoon. The streets are lined with partyers the whole length of the route as they cheer and wave for the necklaces and favors thrown from the floats. Every once in a while there appears a magical person whose spirit has now enlivened a welcoming body:

Taco Sisters decided not to offer their regular menu in lieu of a burger/chile dog/sausage po’boy selection along with cold drinks. There be a lot of shoutin’ to all de folk so dey can buy dis stuff! COLD BEER! HAMBUHGA! CHILLAY DAWG! VITA – MIN WAH – TAH! And if you think you gonna jez sit dare an watch de parade you betta tink o’ sumptin else:

However there was the prospect of rollin’ with some Cajun Queens:

Or even the King (of Parade #1):

Or perhaps a pharaoh:

And other dignitaries:

The Royal Pair from Parade #2:

I’ll bet you did not know what happened to the Magi after their Epiphany:

And need we say more about the anticipation for some the world wide (Venice, Key West, Rio) who await the joie de joie of Carnival:

So now Gini and Chris are relaxing on the bayou in Port Barre listening to Sam Cooke on the porch bracing for the sight of snow. Maybe if we get so’ mo’ boudin and cracklin’ we gonna be okay.
Laissez bon temps roulez!