Propulsed by our Five Guys infusion we found our way to Cyndy’s in Osprey, Florida. It had been many years since we had seen her. She is the former head of special education at Newfound Area School District and an amazing woman.
Fortune had thrown her and Chris together in an office above the 5&10 in Bristol. The experience was a positive one because when the new high school was built Chris begged and pleaded with her to share his office. So began the era-ette of ‘Special Needs Computer’. This was how the stenciling read above the door to the office. Immediately below it was a three foot picture of Howdy Doody (and you thought Dante’s invitation was of concern).
It soon became apparent that Cyndy’s home situation needed changing at the time, so she and another friend, JoJo, the drama director for the school, decided to enlist in the International school system in Bahia, Brazil. All accounts of this experience rival Woodstock – not bad for two ‘old broads’. How they survived is amusing and takes the ‘non’ out of non-plussed.
However that was not enough to satisfy her exotic wanderlust. She then signed on for two more stretches in Damascus, Syria. Having read many of her letters, we both want Cyndy to publish her ‘memoirs’. One of the more incredible tales was how she and another woman started out by bus from Damascus to Lebanon and then proceeded by train (by themselves) to Nice, France.
Her kharma has provided her with a nice town house in a retirement community in Osprey. Our conversation upon arrival begs conveyance. It was rich with ‘catching up’, fun filled nostalgia and philosophical exchanges. Chris has been fortunate to have had some very interesting office ‘mates’.
The agenda consisted of a tour of the coastal barrier islands, known as keys, in the Sarasota area; Casey Key, Siesta Key, AnnaMaria Key, LongBoat Key, all very impressive but… oh yeah, the weather. Now for those in the throes of New England winter you will feel like there is some justice in the universe when we relate the fact that temps had not really risen above 40 degrees anywhere we had visited and that sleet was gently kissing our windshield in downtown Sarasota.
In summary, Gini reluctantly admits that we might be the equivalent of Typhoid Mary. Ice in the streets of Myrtle Beach, biting winds preventing golf; ice dripping from fountains in Savannah; Elayne and Russ losing their water three mornings; and…while sitting comfortably in Cyndy’s living room, the power goes out. Our solution to the latter was to play three rousing games of Yahtzee by candlelight. Could this mean that the locusts would arrive in Punta Gorda to meet us?
Well this picture from Siesta Key sort of sums it up:
Long may Cyndy roam!
On Sunday, January 10, we left for Punta Gorda after a fine Perkins breakfast in Vencie…uh, Florida that is.
Sandy and Lori had flown down to Charlotte Bay to investigate real estate. Sandy is a friend from many years who was present when Gini’s water broke for Chip at the ‘chicken barn. Check the comments section for that posting for her description.
Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda had been ravaged by hurricane Charlie. That, along with the current economy made for some very inexpensive homes. Here are some examples for between $45K and $60K:

Finding a good real estate agent can be quite challenging. Gini and I surreptitiously amused ourselves following Sandy and Lori and their agent during their tour of property. At one point Lori was gesturing madly through the back window about being rescued.
Their quest continues as the third day proved fruitful in finding a good agent but necessitates further visits to the area.
Gini and Chris liked downtown Punta Gorda. It was filled with funky shops and houses:

As for the title of this blog – ‘Ah..The Woment’. This portion of the trip has been filled with fabulous independent, single women. One of the days searching for real estate involved Lori driving her rental car with Sandy, Gini and our cabana boy Chris doing iPhone searches and locations like he was born to it.
Cherchez la fun:

For those of you who know the blog from last year you will remember Mary, Gini’s step-mom. She and Gini were last heard yelling ‘Ride ‘em cowboy’ as they descended at breaknail speed down the side of Pila mountain in the Alps. Awaiting us in Winter Park was a fancy bottle of champagne, Mary’s signature. You may remember a previous blog posting of Gini’s dad, Charlie, helping build the steps. Mary is who he left with us for safekeeping.
Mary had decided, though, to foster a drug party. It was our first morning with her and there on our plates were small straws and ‘Pocket Espresso’. Chris’ attempts to convince everyone that the proper way was to snort it required a knowing demonstration by Mary:

We were impressed with Mary’s rendition of ecstasy:

However, ‘Ah....The Women’ would not be complete without Mary’s precious Sophie:
The bike was ridden today so there is thermal hope. Tomorrow we will visit Gini’s roommate from college, Nadine and her husband, Frank, and then later to try and finish another bottle of Moet and Chandon Imperial. Saturday – Miami Beach!