Despite the freezing conditions, Savannah was beautiful. Gini was able to get a travel agent discount at the Residence Inn on the edge of the Historic District. This district is architecturally fabulous. After a visit to the nearby Visitor’s Center to purchase a self-guided walking tour booklet we discovered that our destination for lunch was one of the most beautiful buildings to see. It is the Gryphon Tea Room that was formerly an apothecary:

The interior is still preserved from the apothecary days and is full of crafted detail, ceiling highlights and furniture appropriate to the former business. Our booklet claimed it was the place where Robert E. Lee had his last prescription filled (maybe not the best endorsement). Our lunch was on the wonderful side and we sat in the large, floor-to-ceiling window to the right of the entrance.
Many of the streets have malls in the middle with mossy draped oaks providing a classic southern ambiance. Detailed items were in abundance. such as a dolphin downspout:

…and a sunflowered gate:

Henry Ford’s first showroom has been repurposed:

There are 2300 houses in the historic registry. They nestle one after the other and lazily flow between well-kept parks and fountains. One of the nicer fountains was dripping with ice, a rare Savannah sight:

Here are a few examples of some of the homes:

We thought that this one would make a fine home for the Von D’Luccis:

That evening we enjoyed dinner at Garribaldi’s, a very good Italian restaurant with dishes designed to reflect Savannah’s local offerings.
Next is High Springs, Florida where we will meet up with Elayne and Russ at their riverside ‘estate’. See y’all then.
Wow -- just beautiful. It looks like a beautiful city. Glad you guys are having such a great time. it makes me happy for you and me and Tom vicariously. Keep on keeping on