As the child of immigrants (Okay, Mom was conceived in Italy but born here) the concept of a dream is an integral part of the ‘New World’. I presume this to be true regardless of where you came from or to what shores you entranced. To a geekish mind it might associate with the kind of decision that ‘starts things in motion’. The idea being that to get to a point where you are leaving your native land and embarking on a new one, there must be some serious motivation. This could range from ‘Feet don’t fail me now’ to a prospect of business and employment.
It could be cited as an example of Newton’s First Law of Motion:
I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
Extending the analogy on both ends the initial external force could be tyranny, poverty, a collective vision or you’ve just been traded from the Yomiuri Giants. Dare I say that upon accepting the new vector your imagination begins to build and anticipate your new milieu. Fostering children in this situation usually provides the justification for the move in allowing them the opportunity to hopefully flourish.
In fact that is the hope of each generation whether their resume contains mobility or not. The ‘state of uniform motion’ to most of us has been labeled many things including the American Dream. Succeeding generations have been swept up in this motion or generated their own external force to divert or reshape it.
However there is entropy and friction. Things wind down. That swinging child needs another boost; the struggling student needs encouragement; the hopeless and desperate need hope and opportunity. Today the New York Times printed:
“One of the greatest casualties of the great recession may well be a decade of lost children.”
This struck an issue that has been festering with me for quite a while. How do we continue our ‘motion’ of the quality of life if we do not inspire or really piss off our kids? And if we really do annoy them, are they capable of retaliating? Debt reeks from their legacy.

So what are we doing now to inspire our youth? Our political infighting and religious fervor has made it all about the selfish adults with the lovely byproduct of polarizing with laser-like efficiency. At one time we were totally enthralled with youth, its prospects, potential and potency. Behold the cover of Time Magazine on July 7, 1967:

Arab youth seem to be making their own mark in taking up the aegis of youth and promise. Our media is quite selective in romanticizing this in a world where suicide bombers and government oppression serve as ambiance.
Our youth need a purpose to either support or adamantly reject but whose product serves as a dynamic external force to the culture. We desperately need them. We do not need them cowering resentfully and impotently while their future becmes more and more subject to myopia.
Children are resilient and certainly no more stupid than we. They are talented. However they are maturing later and have much less opportunity to express themselves or realize themselves.
I have always liked the idea of the Civilian Conservation Corps. It removes politics and religion from an activity that benefits us all. The corps men and women were physically engaged and at least helping our environment.
So I love the radical idea that since these kids are maturing later (personal opinion) – like 25, 26 or 27 years old, let us resurrect the CCC. Enlist these youth in energy and environmental programs. Then tell the baby boomers that mentors are needed. Supervision and dialog become the themes. We are going to need something to do since the only other developing choice is to be set adrift on ice floes. Inspire these kids, give them meaningful work. Stop claiming partisan politics or divine guidance as exclusionary paths for the traitors and the heathens. Let’s change the subject.
A culture that does not have a youth ‘in motion’ is in serious danger. It is the wrong kind of inertia.
The Kidz R Not AlRite
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