The Rittichier women have a wedding tradition. They ditch the men…excuse me…it is by pure coincidence that the men gather separately and the ladies do something spa-tacular. Such a venue was reserved in Lexington for Friday while principals would gather there Thursday night.
Chris and Gini had flown into Columbus, OH and were able to pick up Steph in their rental car. She took them to NorthStar Café, which is a delightful place to eat, before they headed for Kentucky. Derek, coincidentally, was unable to accompany us.
Josie, Jeff, Levi, Esther and Rosie were wending their way from South Carolina. They had arrived their from their home in Chad to visit with Jeff’s family. Hopefully Jeff and the kids would rendezvous with Chris, Ron and Chip.
BBQ was the theme as Carma, Ron and Katie met the others at a local restaurant (aka honky tonk). They were also meeting Chris for the first time. A good time was had by all despite the fact that the ribs and half the menu were not available supposedly because of a power outage the night before. We’re still trying to figure that one out.
The men headed for Stanton that evening and rallied with Mike at that beehive of activity in Stanton: Kroger’s supermarket. Ron took this opportunity to present Chris with a newly acquired Kroger discount card in a meaningful ceremony in the parking lot.
For the men the evening drew to a close in the hot tub at the Scenic Cabins outside Stanton. Some cabin, a huge wooded abode with incredible amenities and ambiance. Mike, all six seven of him opted for the couch instead of the bunk bed. The women calmly awaited Friday’s agenda of pleasure and relaxation.
Friday morning Ron managed to trick Chris into going outside for cell phone purposes, bars being a rare commodity there in the woods of Eastern Kentucky. A mile or so later it dawned on Chris he was in the midst of “morning exercise” – yikes! Thankfully a break occurred when a ‘carload of Africans’ accosted them on the road. This car was filled with Jeff and the three kids. Introductions were made and as they drove to the cabin Ron smiled and stated, “I’m feeling really good right now”. This was a rare opportunity to enjoy his missionary daughter and her family and it had begun with the arrival soon to be followed by Josie.
Preparations were made for the pizza soiree that would follow. Miguel’s Pizza, famous among the many climbers who frequent Red River Gorge, would provide the fare. Mike and Chip headed for the wedding site to prepare for Saturday’s trek along the trail. Ron had brought a ladder to facilitate the hike’s minor challenges and it was attached to Chip’s car roof.
The women were finally able to de-luxuriate and handled some serious food and beverage shopping before leaving the civilized confines of Lexington. The fathers were scheduled to cook the wedding night meal and the ingredients were gathered.
Two new cabins were made ready, Eagle View and Creekside. The Rittichiers would be at the three story promontory with wrap-around deck, Eagle View. Chip would stay with Mom and Dad at Creekside for one night along with Nik, Nikki and Eva. Dan, newly arrived in his Mustang after a bus tour of Eastern America, would join Mike and the family at Eagle View.
Enter the pizzas:

Ron was consistent in being able to provide energy and assistance at key times. So if we wanted a night fire he would help prepare.
Notice Alexa is towering a bit above her sisters due to the help of some shoes that even Dorothy would fight for.
Gifts were also presented including the most beautiful boutonierre Chris would ever wear courtesy of Alexa's talents and creativity:
The only nagging issue was that Nik, Nikki and Eva had been delayed in LA and had to arrive in Chicago and then drive six hours to the Scenic Cabins. During the campfire they arrived tired but elated to be part of the festivities.
Saturday would be a big day. Say Hallelujah!
Such wonderful happiness I wish for Chip & Alexa!